Project Title:
«Promotion for Accountable Water Supply Services»

Cambodian Water Supply Association (CWA)’s received a financial supported from the WaterAid organization to implement a pitlot project and it was maned «Promotion for Accountable Water Supply Services» (WaterAid).
The project’s aimed to make a greater accountability of water operators to customers and sub-national authorities and increased consumer satisfaction in level of service provided by water operators.
CWA implemented the project “Promoting Accountability for Water Supply Services” under the support of WaterAid in Samaki Meanchey District, Kampong Chhnang province. Five PWOs from 6 communes have been selected to participate in this project. The project aimed to make a greater accountability of water operators to customers and sub-national authorities and increased consumer satisfaction in level of service provided by water operators. To achieve the goals of the project.
To achieve the goals of the project, CWA has implemented the following main activities:
- 1. Provide training to sub-national and community authorities on roles and responsibilities of water supply services and guidance on the production and supply of water in two sessions.
- 2. Provide a training course for PWOs on roles and responsibilities of water supply services.
- 3. Direct guidance to local authorities on water quality testing methods and monitor the water supply services for 12 times.
- 4. Facilitate PWOs and local authorities to organize 15 public meetings.
- 5. Support PWOs to participate in public forums organized by the district administration twice.
The five Private Water Operators (PWOs) are operating in the Samaki Meanchey district, Kampong Chhnang Province, as well as they were selected to join with this pilot project. The five PWOs have service coverage’s over six communes (Svay, Sethey, Svay Chhuk, Peam, Chhean Leung and Tbeng Kpos communes).
To achieve the project’s goal and objectives, CWA deployed the main activities including provided trainings to PWOs, sub-national authorities, and community people on the Roles and Responsibilities on water supply services and the basic technical management and provided on-site coaching to the local authorities on how to conduct water quality test and how to monitor the water supply services.
To monitor the water quality, each commune was given a simple testing kit and trained them how to use the testing kit and encouraged them to keep all testing result records then consulted with PWOs. Moreover, the PWOs and local authorities (commune councils) were facilitated to organize the public engagement activities (commune meeting, water tour, and community meeting) in order to increase collaborations between PWOs, local authorities and community people in water services. PWOs also contributed some budget to the public encouragement activities through paid for event arrangements (refreshment and organizing). Besides, the PWOs were also encouraged to attend in the public forum which organized by the district administration level.